About Tracasa Global
Tracasa Global is a public company of the Government of Navarre, whose headquarters are located in Sarriguren (Spain). It was founded in 1982, with the objective of assisting the Government of Navarre in the creation and implementation of the cadastre of the region of Navarre. Since its inception, and building on its core competencies, Tracasa Global has undertaken projects for the development and deployment of cadastral solutions for government agencies in Spain and around the world.
Throughout the years, Tracasa Global has grown its fields of expertise and evolved with the creation of additional business units, addressing the needs of new clients and branching out into new areas of operation. Our main business units are:
• Territorial and Spatial Engineering: We specialize in the generation and analysis of geographic information, designing flows that incorporate the most up-to-date remote sensing techniques (optical, radar, etc) as well as GIS analysis.
• Software Engineering and Spatial Data Analytics: Data with spatial component grow exponentially, and this unit focuses on helping organizations to make the most out of them by applying the latest IT technologies.
• Software Engineering and GIS Area: This unit specialises in the implementation of GIS solutions, such as creation of data models, migration of geographic data (loading and validation), development of maintenance tools, exploitation and integration with other systems through APIs, etc. We have a leading position in the Spanish market for water utility networks. We are also experienced in implementing geographic information systems for cadastre and cartography applications.
• Cadastre, Land Administration and Services to Local Government Area: These services, which link back to our origins, consist of the development of solutions for local, regional and national governments in the area of land and cadastral management.
Tracasa Global has worked for local, regional and national administrations in Spain and abroad, especially in the European Union. Some examples of our customers are the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission, the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), EC DG Environment, the Government of Ireland, the National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN), and regional governments in Spain.