A strategic ambition
Earth Observation and GNSS require a highly skilled workforce on different levels. Technical, managerial, academic and/or entrepreneurial skills need to be well balanced in current and future professionals’ profiles.
The SPACE4GEO Large-scale Skills Partnership, promoted under the EC initiative Pact for Skills, promote activities aimed to up-skilling and re-skilling the work force and attract new talents to target a career in the downstream space and geoinformation sector.
By joining the SPACE4GEO Alliance you will be able to:
SPACE4GEO Newsletter #3
Read our latest Newsletter and learn about kicking off the new SpaceSUITE project that was held in Genoa, the VenetoStars challenge by Regione Veneto Digital Agenda, and our participation in the upcoming Pact for Skills Forum on the skills potential across Europe.
Kicking off the SpaceSUITE project in Genoa, Italy
Between 1 and 2 February 2024, 28 partners and members from Academia, VET providers, associations, and representatives of industry companies kicked off the new SpaceSUITE project in Genoa, Italy.
Approval of a project promoted within our LSP
SpaceSUITE, the new Blueprint project promoted within our Large-scale Skills Partnership has been approved.