Project summary
Space technologies are evolving fast, and new skills must follow accordingly to adapt to this changing environment. SpaceSUITE develops a program and innovative platform with the aim to supply the required skills and curricula to achieve the goals of the EU in the aerospace and defense ecosystem. By identifying skills gaps and mismatches, SpaceSUITE will define a mid- and long-term strategy to bridge the gap between the supply and this continuously changing demand in the downstream space related sectors. It will ensure the development of advanced skills in space-related fields and the provision of education and training activities for HE and VET for upskilling and reskilling, in particular for professionals, entrepreneurs, graduates and students, which are central in the EU Space Programme.
SpaceSUITE is grounded on the SPACE4GEO Large-scale Skills Partnership on Space Data, Services and Application under the Pact for Skills andbuilds on the success and experience of EO4GEO, updating the body of knowledge of Earth Observation and Geo-information, expanding it to the fields of Positioning Navigation and Timing and Satellite Communication. Curricula will be designed for key occupational profiles, educational and training materials will be developed, and training actions organized for different persona, from a technician to a decision maker. The online “Open Space Academia” will be created to provide these contents in a flexible manner using the most recent learning techniques. The direct beneficiaries of this action are the 230.000 professionals currently employed by the EU space sector and the downstream sector itself, which accounts for close to 80% of the global space economy.
SpaceSUITE integrates 28 partners, including 3 affiliated entities, from Academia, VET providers, associations of governments, and representatives of industry companies. The partnership is completed by 7 associated partners, local and regional mainly public bodies acting as beneficiaries of skills as well as supporters for the actual impact at local and regional level of the solutions developed for skills enhancement within the project. The integration of public and private sectors in the consortium is crucial to raise the awareness of the needed expertise not properly covered by current employees in the downstream space sector.
The project will start on 1st January 2024 and will last 4 years.
Kick-off meeting will be in Genova (IT) on 1st and 2nd February 2024.
Funding programme: ERASMUS+ Alliances for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills (implementing the ‘Blueprint’)