About Formaciòn Profesional

The Department for Education of the Government of Navarra is the official Institution settled to manage Education in the Spanish autonomous region of Navarra.

It is in charge of establishing the general conditions and the appropriate means for the real implementation of every aspect of education. These measures include the management of all public Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education. This institution counts with 172 Public Primary Schools, 59 Public Secondary Schools and 21 VET centres and they involve more than 3.200 teachers. More than 67.000 students attend to these public schools.

Within the Department for Education there is a Division created to develop and promote Vocational and Educational Training. In addition, it includes a Section to establish and promote Internationalisation among VET institutions by means of mobility and innovation projects. This unit helps VET centers for international matters and tries to approach companies and stakeholders to cooperate within the training system. The network of the 21 VET centres mentioned above counts with more than 7.000 students belonging to 136 different profiles. Every year 350 students do internships in European companies under the Erasmus+ initiative. We are also responsible for managing all European projects in Vocational Training.

The Department for Education also works together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Commerce, Work and Industry to implement actions related to job insertion, job surveys, and measures for placing young people in the labour market. We have also created an extended network with more than 2.100 companies to provide young VET graduates to access the employment needs that companies require with a specific profile.

During the last 20 years, different kind of projects have been developed in different areas, trying to involve VET centers in transnational projects which promote the international perspective of the schools. These actions include both mobility and innovation and research projects in different VET fields. The fact that the Department for Education holds Erasmus+ Quality Charters for both HEI and VET programs implies a guarantee of success, inspired in experience and management of quality placements.