About Epsilon Italia
Epsilon Italia srl (EPSIT) is an independent SME established in 1996 in Mendicino (IT).
The company provides to SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructures) users/developers the highly qualified expertise needed to increase the discoverability, accessibility and interoperability of their data, to improve performances of their services and to train their personnel.
Since the entry into force of the European INSPIRE Directive EC/02/2007 link: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/), the company has been providing professional technical services related to the implementation of the legally binding requirements of the Directive.
EPSIT is executing, in partnership with other companies, 4 Framework Contracts with the European Environment Agency (EEA), related to the streamlining of the EEA workflows of environmental data, and 1 Framework Contract with DG JRC of EC for the maintenance of INSPIRE.
EPSIT offers technical support and vocational training to public and private entities, and it’s also deeply involved in Research & Development activities, on its own or in partnership with national and international Universities and Research Centres.
The company is currently involved in 2 Horizon Europe projects dealing with urban data spaces and AI applied to data cubes and in 1 Digital Europe Programme project aiming at increasing ICT SMEs skills on data interoperability.
EPSIT expertise leverages on GI standards and the company is member of the OGC – Open Geospatial Consortium.