Project summary

EO4GEO was an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 25 partners and 50 associates from 22 countries. From January 2018 to June 2022, EO4GEO developed a set of tools based on a shared ontology, a training and education offer and a sector skills strategy.

EO4GEO aimed to bridge the skills gap between the supply and demand of education and training in the space/geospatial sectors, fostering the uptake and integration of space/geospatial data and services in a broad range of application domains.

EO4GEO worked in a multi and interdisciplinary way and apply innovative solutions for its education and training actions: case-based and collaborative learning scenarios; learning-while-doing in a living lab environment; on-the-job training and co-creation of knowledge, skills and competencies.

The project started on January 1st, 2018 and ended in June 2022, closely collaborating with DG DEFIS (Copernicus) and DG EMPLOYMENT to reach its strategic objectives.