About Consorzio Italiano per la Copernicus Academy
The Consorzio Italiano per la Copernicus Academy is a public body and operates without profit having the purpose of:
- promote and spread culture, knowledge of the fundamentals and the use of Earth observation technologies, methods and instruments, of geomatics and geoinformation, information technology and communication, advanced and innovative, priority linked to the Copernicus European programme and in particular in the context and for the purposes of its Copernicus Academy;
- promote and facilitate, in close connection with the National network of the Copernicus Academy coordination and within their National network, the planning and organization of conferences, events and training sessions, of schools and internships, as well as the preparation of educational material and training, to give the future generation of researchers, lecturers and teachers, public officials, professionals and entrepreneurs skills suitable to fully exploit the potential of data, from information and services offered by Copernicus and as far as possible derive, including the preparation and development of new professional profiles and new professions
Benefits related to the actual tender participation is particularly related to the Consorzio Italiano per la Copernicus Academy instituiging scopes and to the scaling up, to an International level, of the training and dissemination network.