About bavAIRia e.V.
bavAIRia e.V. is responsible for the management of the Bavarian Cluster Aerospace commissioned by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. The Bavarian Cluster AeroSpace, comprising more than ~300 members, is engaged in the fields of Aeronautics, Space and Space Applications.
As cluster management organisation bavAIRia e.V. is impartial and used to mediating between different actors such as companies and start-ups, research institutes and universities, public institutions, agencies, and politics.
bavAIRia’s objectives are to foster cooperation between industry, SMEs, universities, research institutes and politics as well as to support and promote innovation. A special focus is on small and medium-sized companies as well as linking them with universities, research institutes, manufacturers of systems and subsystems as well as end users.
On top of this bavAIRia e.V. is part of the Cluster Initiative Bavaria concentrating on seventeen branches and technologies, which can be grouped under following topics: mobility, energy, digitalization, life science & health as well as materials which facilitate the cooperation of space with various non-space sectors. In addition, bavAIRia e.V. is well established in various national and international networks.
bavAIRia e.V. recognised the importance of innovative downstream applications and services involving users from various sectors at an early stage (since 2005). A wide range of Bavarian companies are working in related areas such as data provision, software and chip development, telecommunication services and value-added products and services. Activities in the field of satellite applications are consequently geared towards the development of innovative products and services necessitating the creation of sustainable high-tech jobs. Moreover, bavAIRia e.V. hosts Bavaria’s Copernicus Office and is one of the Copernicus relays of EC.
bavAIRia’s department on space and space applications addressed downstream applications early in advance (already in 2005) and aligned activities accordingly e.g., establishment of GNSS User Fora since 2005, …). In past years bavAIRia e.V., as German ESA BA Ambassador and beyond, proved a strong expertise in consulting and coaching applicants successfully with respect to their business development and bringing the developed service integrating space technologies to market.